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Apply Today

Join Our Team

There are only 4 steps to be a part of NPR Virtual Solutions and they are all easy and doable. 

Our goal is to ensure that as many people in the US, UK and Canada as possible can enjoy the blessing of working from home in a positive and safe environment and spend more time with their loved ones and pursuing their goals. 


We wish you the best in the hiring process and we look forward to welcoming you to the team. 


Returning to complete the process? Click the appropriate step below

Let's Make A Change in some one else's life

We also will pay YOU for referrals to our company.

Our goal is to set 200 people in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada free from having to commute to work in order to make a decent hourly wage.

Neon Hello

It's important to understand who we are, what makes us different, and what is expected on the job. Let us introduce ourselves. Click here for video. 

School Application

After watching the video, complete the initial application.

Click here to begin. 

Job Interview

Schedule a "Getting Started" Meeting on Monday at 10am EST or 8pm EST. the mandatory next step to joining the team. 


Become a Recruiter

Call us or text us at:

Tel: 856-677-8478
for more information

Share our links and support us online

Donate Time, Computers or Sponsor an Applicant

There are so many people that need this job but cannot start because of lack of resources
(no computer, can't afford certification class, or don't have basic computer skills, etc.) .
Help us help others through volunteering your time or a donation. 

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